Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I thought I was Super Woman...

I had big plans to continue with a blog update on the weekend.  But....because I thought I was Super Woman .... I paid up this weekend.
Let me regress. My 91 year old dad should surely get the flu shot, so should my husband, Paul, because he has had bronchial asthma. But me? Nah, I never get sick, my immunity is good, I eat well etc. Yeah, right. Remind me next year....get the flu shot!

I was feeling rotten all day Thursday at work, took to the couch and was sick in bed (or on the couch) from then on.  Missed work Friday, missed youth group Saturday, church Sunday morning & really disappointed to miss a two week planned get together with our kids.  I finally rallied by Monday morning and made it back to work Monday afternoon.

My hubby has been great though, kept the house looking decent and picked up, laundry never behind, dishes done. Mostly I appreciated the attention he gave me with bringing me water & a hot water bottle when I had the chills and bringing me soup and crackers when I wanted a bite to eat. Thanks Paul!

It's going to take a while to get this new blog spaces "decorated" to my standards as it did in MSN Spaces. I'll just have to be patient with myself as I learn all the new tricks that Bloggers has to offer. I'll do this by trial & error and help from my friends who have their own blogs looking so dapper!  One problem maybe someone can help....I wrote my blog in Microsoft Works then copy/paste. Now I can't change the margins to fit, I find it frustrating :(

Hugs, Faye


  1. Oh goodness, so sorry you've been sick, Faye!

    Wish I could help you with blogger; the only thing is when I post I type directly into the blog without copy & paste. Thanks for your comment on my blog, but I have to tell you, I didn't design it. Nope. I stink at that. :)

    Take care, and get well soon. ((hugs))

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better now. I didn't get the flu shot either.

    I don't do copy & paste from Works. I write directly to Blogger so I'm not sure how to change the margins.

    Take care and hope you have a good week! (((hugs)))

  3. Next year I'll remind you to get the flue shot... mostly in October - November. :-)
    For what reason do you write in MicroSoft Works before you paste the text in Blogger?

  4. Why I write in Works? When I used to write in MSN Spaces I would often lose the whole blog before I saved/posted it. This way I would save as I wrote. As you can see, what I wrote directly from bloggers has the proper margins. But if there isn't a problem with losing everything to cyberspace I'll do as the rest of you do :)

  5. I was just checking in Faye, to see if you're feeling good by now. Hope so! (hugs)

  6. I also check in Faye to see if everything is fine with you.
    When you write in Blogger you can always "Save" your work at any time, Click therefore on the button "Save Now" next to "Publish Post", then leave Blogger without "Publishing" and resume writing at a later time.
    While you're writing, your work will also be saved automatically by Blogger.

    To resume your work... Open your Blog, --> Sign In, --> choose Design, --> Posting, --> Edit Post, --> Leave this page, --> Choose "Edit". Maybe this will help.
